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A virtual book exhibition called "National Leader Heydar Aliyev" and a traditional book exhibition called "A personality as eternal as Azerbaijan itself - Heydar Aliyev" were presented to users in the National Library


Today is the birthday of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the great son of the Azerbaijani people, the architect and founder of the independent state of Azerbaijan, the founder of the ideology of Azerbaijanism.

On May 10, 1923, the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who was born in a simple and hard-working family in the city of Nakhchivan, stood out for his intelligence and innate talent from a young age, and learned the secrets of state administration by working in the security agencies, said: "I was born in a small house, in a hard-working family, I opened my eyes to the world on a spring day. When I was born, probably five or ten people were happy, at most thirty or forty. Now, perhaps, it sounded so immodest, but I must say that I was born for our Azerbaijan as a whole. My native Azerbaijan, which I love with all my being, is my qibla."

Great Leader Heydar Aliyev had outstanding services in the history of the state hood of the Azerbaijani people, in the comprehensive development of our country, and in taking the rightful place of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan in the world community.

Today, every success achieved by the independent state of Azerbaijan is based on the development strategy authored by our National Leader. The history of this strategy begins with the election of our Great Leader as the leader of Azerbaijan in 1969. This history has gone down as the beginning of Azerbaijan's return to itself, revival and development.

On June 15, 1993, our Great Leader, who returned to political power for the second time at the insistence of the Azerbaijani people, did works equal to centuries in ten years and successfully carried out the great historical mission as the savior and founder of independent Azerbaijan.

The words of the National Leader of our people, "I have always been proud, and I am proud today, that I am an Azerbaijani" have become the motto of Azerbaijanis around the world and have become the cornerstone of the solidarity of our compatriots.

In connection with the Great Leader's birthday, the staff of the National Library presented to users a virtual book exhibition called "National Leader Heydar Aliyev" and a traditional book exhibition called "A personality as eternal as Azerbaijan itself - Heydar Aliyev".

In the virtual exhibition, the opinions of the prominent personalities of Azerbaijan about the Great Leader, articles published in the press pages of the period reflecting the life and activities of the National Leader, photos, books in Azerbaijani and other languages are displayed. The materials presented in the virtual exhibition were given in full text.

Those who want to get acquainted with the virtual exhibition can use the link

In the traditional book exhibition, books and photo albums about the Great Leader's life path, social and political activities are displayed in Azerbaijani and various languages.


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