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A book exhibition called "Academician Mammad Jafar-115" was opened in the National Library


This year marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of prominent literary critic and critic, full member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, winner of the State Prize of Azerbaijan, Honored scientist, doctor of philology, professor Mammad Jafar Zeynalabdin oglu Jafarov. He was born on May 9, 1909 in the city of Nakhchivan.

Academician Mammad Jafar Jafarov devoted nearly 60 years of his life to the development of literary and theoretical thought in the country, significantly enriching Azerbaijani literary studies with his fundamental studies on the history and theory of literature, literary relations, as well as current issues of aesthetics. In his wide-ranging scientific heritage, there is a high scientific-theoretical generalization that fully interprets the philosophical-aesthetic essence of the creations of powerful wordsmiths such as Nizami Ganjavi, Muhammad Fuzuli, Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh, Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Mirza Alakbar Sabir, Huseyn Javid and Samad Vurgun in unity with world literary experience. His powerful works have a special place.

Looking at academician Mammad Jafar's scientific work, it becomes clear that the outstanding scientist did not only deal with issues related to Azerbaijani literature, but also paid attention to the processes taking place in world literature, especially Russian literature. His "Essays on the history of Russian literature", "Alexei Nikolayevich Ostrovsky", "A.I. Gertsen", "From the history of Azerbaijani-Russian literary relations", "Russian classics", "T. Shevchenko: (life and work)", "N.A. Nekrasov", "Henri Barbus", "Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky", "Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinasky", "Chernyshevsky's aesthetic views", "Anna Karenina", "Pushkin and Azerbaijani culture", "Great Russian writer" is a visual proof.

The first detailed study of the formation and development of romanticism in Azerbaijani literature is related to the name of Mammad Jafar Jafarov.

A scientist who has worked successfully in the field of pedagogy for a long time and is the author of valuable textbooks, he also performed commendable activities in the direction of training scientific personnel.

A large book exhibition called "Academician Mammad Jafar-115" was opened in the National Library in connection with the anniversary of the academician.

In the exhibition, the scholar's books about the Azerbaijani and European classical literary heritage, research works on literary studies, textbooks for higher schools, editor, reviewer, foreword and works of the scientist are displayed in Azerbaijani and Russian languages.

The exhibition will last 1 week.


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