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The National Library presented a virtual and traditional exhibition called "Academician Yagub Mahmudov"


Yagub Mikayil oghlu Mahmudov was born on February 10, 1939 in Bash Goynuk village of Sheki district.

In 1956, he graduated from Saribulag village secondary school of Balakan district. In 1957-1962, he studied at the Faculty of History of Baku State University. In 1962-1966, he continued his postgraduate studies. In 1966, he defended his candidate's thesis entitled "Interrelationships of the Aggoyunlu state with Venice", and in 1989, he defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Interrelationships of the Aggoyunlu and Safavid states with Western European countries" at the Scientific Council of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. In 1991, he received the scientific title of professor.

In 1966-1975, scientific editor, senior scientific editor, editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief for scientific affairs at the Azerbaijan Encyclopedia, in 1968-1981, senior teacher, associate professor at ASPU, in 1992-1993 under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vice-chairman of the Supreme Attestation Commission and general director of the "Azerbaijan Encyclopedia" Publishing-Polygraphy Union, in 1981-2004 he was an associate professor, head of the department, deputy dean, dean at the Faculty of History of BSU, and in 2004-2021 at the Institute of History of ANAS worked as a director.

In 1991-1992, he headed the expert working group that prepared the first Education Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

He was elected a corresponding member of ANAS in 2007, and a full member of ANAS in 2017.

For the first time in historiography, he revealed that in the 15th-17th centuries, Azerbaijan had extensive diplomatic relations with European countries and the names of many Azerbaijani diplomats who negotiated with those countries. He is the author of more than 1000 scientific works. He is one of the authors and publishers of fundamental works on the history of Karabakh, Nakhchivan and Iravan, which were awarded the State Prize. He is the editor-in-chief of the two-volume "Encyclopedia of the Azerbaijan People's Republic". 18 volumes of "Selected Works" have been published. His works have been published in many foreign countries (Turkiye, Pakistan, Russia, Great Britain, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Egypt, South Korea, Sweden and Mexico).

 It has created scientific schools on the history of diplomacy, lost lands and historical aspects of genocides. Under his scientific guidance, 71 people have received doctorates of philosophy and sciences.

He was a member of the Political Council of the New Azerbaijan Party and spoke at the 1st and 3rd congresses of the NAP. He was elected a deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan of the II, III, IV and V convocations. He is a member of the NAP Veterans Council.

He is an honored scientist of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a laureate of the State Prize, an honored scientist of the Republic of Dagestan and a full member of 7 international academies. He was awarded with the orders "Fame", "Honor", 1st degree "Labor" and "Ataman Anton Golovatyi". He is the laureate of "Yusif Mammadaliyev", "Rasul Reza", "Golden Pen", "Humay" and other numerous awards.

Academician Yagub Mahmudov was awarded a number of international awards, including the honorary title "Name in Science", the honorary title "Best General Manager" and the International Atatürk Award, and was included in the list of famous scientists of the XXI century.

A virtual exhibition called "Academic Yagub Mahmudov" was prepared by the staff of the National Library.

In the virtual exhibition, photos, articles published in periodicals, books written by and about him are displayed.

Those who want to get acquainted with the virtual exhibition can use the link

At the same time, a traditional book exhibition reflecting the creativity of the academician was opened in the library.

The traditional exhibition will last 1 week.


Photo Gallery