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Traditional book exhibitions titled "Poet, translator Dilsuz Mustafayev" and "Professor Zeydulla Aghayev" have opened at the National Library


Traditional book exhibitions titled “Poet, Translator Dilsuz Mustafayev” and “Professor Zeydulla Aghayev” have been opened at the National Library.

The exhibition showcases the works of poet, translator Dilsuz Mustafayev, his compilations and translations, books he edited, literature about his work, musical scores composed to his words, and the works, compilations and translations, books he wrote forewords to, edited, and reviewed by Professor Zeydulla Aghayev, as well as literature in Azerbaijani and foreign languages ​​about his life and work.

It should be noted that poet, translator Dilsuz Murtaza oglu Mustafayev (Dilsuz) was born on March 1, 1945 in the village of Buruj, Tartar region. In 1966, he graduated from Sarajly village secondary school, and in 1973, he graduated from the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Languages ​​(now BSU). He began his artistic career in the 1970s. Dilsuz's creativity covers the fields of poetry, literary prose, journalism, dramaturgy, and translation. He also edited many literary and journalistic works, and worked as a director and screenwriter. Dilsuz's poems, which gave special importance to literary translation in his work, have been translated into the languages ​​of foreign nations. Music has been composed to his words. Dilsuz played an exceptional role in the development of children's literature during the period of independence, creating unique examples. He wrote more than 80 fairy tales for children, reworked existing fairy tales, and, as they say, nationalized and published them.

Azerbaijani philologist, translator, Doctor of Philology, Professor Zeydulla Aghayev was born on March 2, 1945 in Masalli district. He graduated from the English Department of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. He began his career at that institute, becoming the editor of the university's newspaper "Bilik". Zeydulla Aghayev is known for both his original prose works and his translations from English. In his translations, Azerbaijani readers have become acquainted with novels, short stories and short stories by Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Theodore Dreiser, Ernest Hemingway, Ira Levin and others. The novel “Airport” by the modern American writer Arthur Haley, published by Zeydulla Aghayev in 1990, is the first novel in the history of our national literature to be directly translated from English. Zeydulla Aghayev is one of the first literary translators to translate “Modern Azerbaijani prose” into English. Zeydulla Aghayev is the author of a number of prose books - “The Song of Love”, “The Waiting of Five Days”, “Invincibility”, “The Right Time of the World”, etc.

The exhibition will last for a week.


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