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A book exhibition titled "Professor Kamandar Sharifli" has opened at the National Library


Doctor of Philology, Professor Kamandar Kazım oglu Sharifov (Kamandar Sharifli), who dedicated his life to the study of our manuscript heritage and written monuments at the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, was born on January 20, 1940 in the village of Lambali in Western Azerbaijan. He graduated from Lambali secondary school No. 2 in 1959.

From 1963 to 1968, he studied at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University), and from 1966 to 1967, he studied at the Faculty of Philology of Cairo University, Arab Republic of Egypt. In 1984, he defended his candidacy on the topic of “Abdulgani Nukhavi Khalisagarizadeh and his literary and textual studies activity”, and in 2006, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of “Azerbaijani textual studies”.

Among his research works, the study of classical texts that have not been studied in our literary studies and the theoretical problems of textual studies occupy an important place. Professor Kamandar Sharifli, for the first time not only in Azerbaijan but also in world oriental studies, investigated the theoretical problems of Azerbaijani textual studies on the basis of medieval Turkic, Persian and Arabic written monuments kept at the Institute of Manuscripts, libraries and museums of the Near and Middle East countries.

“Textual Studies” (2001), “Fundamentals of Textual Studies” (2003), “Abdulgani Nukhavi Khalisagarizadeh” (2001), “Establishment and Development of Azerbaijani Textual Studies” (1996), He is the author of monographs and research works such as "Scientist, Pedagogist and Bibliographer" (2007), "Azerbaijani Manuscript Books and Libraries" (2009), "Catalog of the Abdulgani Efendi Nukhavi Khalisagarizadeh Library" in 2 volumes (2010, 2023), "Theoretical Foundations of Textual Studies" (2011), etc. Four volumes of his scientific works were published in 2019.

Professor Kamandar Sharifli is one of the authors of volumes I (1984; 2008), II (2000), III (2007) and IV (2019) of the catalog of Arabic manuscripts kept at the Institute of Manuscripts, and is the compiler and editor of volumes II, III and IV.

For his services to the development of Azerbaijani science, he was awarded the "Progress" medal and the honorary decree of ANAS by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated November 3, 2015.

A book exhibition titled "Professor Kamandar Sharifli" was presented to users at the National Library on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Professor Kamandar Sharifli.

The exhibition displays the scientist's works published thanks to his scientific activities, books he compiled and transliterated, translations, works for which he wrote forewords, edited and gave reviews, literature about his scientific activities and creativity, and articles published in periodicals.

The exhibition will last for a week.


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