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The book exhibition "Muhammad Taghi Sidqi - 170" was opened in the National Library


Muhammad Taghi Sidgi was born on March 22, 1854 in the city of Ordubad. Although he went to madrasa school, he perfectly studied classical Eastern poetry and philosophy.

Sidgi established the "Akhtar" school in Ordubad (1892, together with the enlightened intellectual Huseyn Sultan Kangarli) and the "Tarbiya" ("School-Education" school, 1894) in Nakhchivan, gained fame as a public teacher, and was one of the main organizers of literary and cultural events and theater performances.He  is the author of seven textbooks of scientific-pedagogical value - "Numuneyi-akhlaq", "Tohfeyi-banat, i.e. gift to girls", "Comprehensive geography treatise" etc.

Sidqi regularly engaged in artistic creation. With the "School stories" series, Azerbaijan created the first mature examples of children's prose. This series includes the writer's "Go to school", "The story of the bright-eyed child", "The lying child", "The generous child" and other stories.

Muhammad Taghi is one of the first devotees of education who fought for the education of the Sidqi people and nation. In his works, he artistically promoted his ideas of enlightenment, pedagogical views, and high spiritual and moral qualities.

On the occasion of the jubilee of the outstanding educator, educator and writer Muhammad Taghi Sidgi, a book exhibition called "Mohammed Taghi Sidgi - 170" was opened in the National Library. In the exhibition, the works of the writer, the literature about his life, the important work he did in the development of Azerbaijani literature and public opinion are displayed.

The exhibition will last 1 week.


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