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Azerbaijan National Library


Today is the birthday of the National Library of Azerbaijan.

The library was established in 1922, and its official opening took place on May 23, 1923. In 1939, the library was named after the thinker, playwright, and educator Mirza Fatali Akhundov. Over the years, the scope of the library's activities has expanded, dozens of new departments have been created, and the number of literary works in its collection has increased.

The National Library is a leading institution in the fields of librarianship, bibliography, and book science. It serves as a scientific-methodical center for all libraries in the country, providing complex library-bibliographic and information services to readers, fulfilling interlibrary loan, national and recommended bibliographies, as well as international and national depository center functions. Today, the international relations of the National Library, which has a collection of nearly 5 million items, have significantly expanded, and it is successfully represented in international library organizations. The National Library has signed memoranda of understanding on cooperation with the largest libraries of 55 countries and actively exchanges books, information, and experience with these libraries. At the same time, the library carries out exchanges of books and other publications through international book exchange with national and university libraries in more than 80 countries.

It is no coincidence that our Great Leader, Heydar Aliyev, who highly valued science and culture, visited the National Library four times between 1995 and 1997 and donated nearly 300 books from his personal library.

In 2004, by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Library was granted the status of "National Library," which is the highest honor bestowed upon our library.

On this day, the library staff have prepared a virtual exhibition titled "National Library of Azerbaijan. The virtual exhibition features the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the National Library, statements from prominent figures, publications of the library, books, articles, and photographs related to this theme.

Those who wish to explore the virtual exhibition can do so using the following link:





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