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The National Library participated in the online conference "The role of national libraries of the CIS countries in training professional personnel for the Commonwealth countries"


On November 20, the National Library participated in the online conference “The Role of National Libraries of the CIS Countries in the Training of Professional Personnel for the Commonwealth of Independent States”.

The conference, organized by the National Library of Russia, was attended by heads of national, state and other leading libraries, as well as employees of Russian educational and research institutions, Director General of the National Library of Russia Denis Olegovich Tsipkin, Director General of the State Library of Russia, President of the National Associations of Russia, President of the Eurasian Library Assembly Vadim Valerievich Duda, Director of the National Library of Kazakhstan Bakitjamal Kairbekovna Ospanova, Deputy Director General, Director for Science and Information Technologies of the National Library of Belarus Alexander Vadimovich Babuk, Director of the Scientific and Methodological Service of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi Saodat Ergashevna Kamilova and others.

Director of the National Library of Azerbaijan, Professor Karim Tahirov made a report and presentation on the topic “The Role of the National Library of Azerbaijan in the Training of Librarian Personnel”.

In his speech, the Director spoke in detail about the close relationship between the National Library of Azerbaijan, which is a methodological center for training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the requirements of the modern era and the challenges of the information age, and the educational institutions providing professional library education with the country's leading libraries, the opening of the "Special Audience of the National Library of Azerbaijan" at Baku State University and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on mutual cooperation between the National Library of Azerbaijan and Baku State University, the holding of zone trainings on the implementation of the KOHA Automated Library Management System in libraries included in the network of the Ministry of Culture in Baku and in other places within a year, trainings on topics related to improving the implementation of online services in libraries.

It should be noted that reports, presentations and discussions were heard at the international conference on the personnel potential of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin, the national libraries of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus, etc.


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